Adobe Premiere Intro Templates Free

Posted : admin On 4/10/2019

Adobe Premiere Intro Templates Free 3,9/5 5129 reviews

Adobe Premiere Pro templates to help video editors to create professional intro titles, text animations, slideshows easily. Top 15 Free Adobe Premiere Title Templates 2018. One of the things that can really make your output stand out from the crowd is the titles. Many people think creating eye catching title effects are beyond them, but with Premiere Pro you really couldn't be more wrong.

  1. Adobe Premiere Pro Templates
  2. Adobe Premiere Intro Templates Free Download

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  1. UntukAdobe Premiere CS5.5 dan versi CC (only 64-bit)
  2. 22Placeholder (Tempat menempatkan foto/gambaR)
  3. Resolution1980x1080
  4. Ukuran file 1,3 mb
  5. Duration 30 seconds
TUTORIAL download dan cara menggunakannya DAPAT DILIHAT DISINI
Download :

  • Instagram: @atra_gustomo & @atragustomo
  • Facebook: Anjas Bagus Pratomo


sing lower thirds in Premiere can add crucial context to your videos. But there’s a plethora of creative lower thirds to choose from out there. It’s all too easy to get overwhelmed.

Don’t worry. As with any part of video producing, just focus on what’s right for your project. And keep in mind some tried-and-true principles of creating lower thirds in Premiere to stay on track.

Go to the next level with these 3 professional grade lower third templates for Premiere Pro. While designed for 4K footage, these lower thirds can easily be downscaled.

Clean, clear, and unobtrusive. The perfect go-to for any type of video footage.

The 'Top List' Lower Third

Ideal for any videos that do a 'ranking' or 'countdown'.

The 'Edge' Lower Third

A more dynamic lower third that still covers the basics.

Adobe Premiere Intro Templates Free

Download your FREE lower thirds pack for Premiere Pro (.mogrt) below.

Prepare to be inspired by the great examples we found. And, because we’re so darn nice, we also designed a free lower thirds template just for you. So download and get started on those titles right away.

The Best Lower Thirds Templates for Premiere

1. How to use lower thirds in Premiere

A lower third graphic is a text graphic that adds additional context to a video. They can relay just about anything. Names, roles, locations, and even Twitter handles are fair game in lower third design.

The Best Lower Thirds In Premiere - Lower Third Template - StudioBinder

But be strict on usage. Use them only to fill in the gaps where visuals and sound bites don’t tell the story well enough.
Usually lower thirds are on the bottom third of your frame (on either left or right). But this isn’t set in stone. It all depends on where your subject is in the frame.

Make your titles highly readable and out of your subject’s way. Try put them on the side with less important visuals in your frame.

Additionally, make sure your lower thirds in Premiere are in the “safe area” of the frame.

Keep your lower thirds in Premiere within the “safe area” margins in your source viewer

The Best Lower Thirds Templates for Premiere

2. Designing lower third graphics

The best lower thirds examples are both useful and brief. Your lower thirds After Effects or Premiere components (shapes, motion design and typography) should all be lightweight. And the information should be just enough to add context to the visuals.

Keep the themes and tone of your project in mind. Think about how your lower third graphics can evoke the project at large.

The text in this “The Toys That Made Us” lower third recalls the vintage Kenner Toys brand

If you’re working with a brand, ask for feedback to better match their style. If not, think about choices that compliment your subject.

Or just make them minimal to stay out of the way.

As a general rule of thumb, your lower thirds should be on screen long enough for viewers to read each word twice.

The Best Lower Thirds Templates for Premiere

3. Choosing colors for lower third graphics

As with all elements of title graphics, color should attract your viewer to the information. But it should never distract.

Make simplicity your guiding principle. Stay away from too many colors. Solid, intentional colors usually sell the information best.

White and red colors in a title graphic from “Print the Legend”

Keep titles black or white and limit to one solid color accent -- if you use color at all.

White font with a blue accent shape makes for a nice lower third, “Banking on Bitcoin” (2016)

The Best Lower Thirds Templates for Premiere

4. Finding the right typography for lower third graphics

Selecting the typography for your lower third graphics should be a delicate process. Again, it should evoke the tone and content of your video.

The creative lower thirds in “Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine” evoke early Apple Computers

If you’re making a documentary, choose a good sans serif font. This will give you many standard yet striking options.

If your content tone isn’t super specific, there are some universal fonts that work well. Bebas Neue, LatoCode, Futura and LT are good places to start.

The Best Lower Thirds Templates for Premiere

5. Choosing a font size for lower third graphics

Your font size depends on the information you need to present. In news lower thirds, the headline graphics are often big, bold and attention-grabbing.

News lower thirds employ big, bold font sizes for headlines.

Usually documentaries are more subtle. But they can use different font sizes to differentiate the information presented. For example, different font sizes can separate a person’s name and title.

Different font sizes denote a subject’s name and role in “Lady Gaga: Five Foot Two”

But try to gauge what the audience needs to know. If you’ve got a celebrity who is a household name, you might not need any more context than name. A one-line layout might suffice here.

Dr. Dre needs no introduction in HBO’s “The Defiant Ones”

Consider the intended medium too. Smaller font sizes might work for TVs and web. But you might want to consider a bigger font if you’re targeting mobile.

Vevo Footnotes videos employ a large caption format

The Best Lower Thirds Templates for Premiere

6. Using shapes in lower third graphics

Use shapes in your lower third graphics to separate your text from the background. Squares are the most effective choice here, especially in news graphics.

News graphics often use blocks in their lower third graphics.

But news lower thirds aren’t too subtle. Documentaries should use them in more understated ways.

This lower thirds example uses subtle background shapes, “Making a Murderer”

Of course, this isn’t always necessary. Sometimes all you need is the text if the typography and size are good. But if you add shapes, consider a template to save time.

The Best Lower Thirds Templates for Premiere

7. Animating your lower third graphics

Smooth, clean animations draw your viewer’s eye to your lower third graphics in a natural way. Find them in documentaries, web videos and even news graphics.

Animated typography creates striking lower thirds in “The Lego Batman Movie”

In line with good motion design principles, keep your animation as simple as possible. Keep your keyframes smooth and brief. Generally one or two seconds tops is good.

The Best Lower Thirds Templates for Premiere

8. Using free lower thirds templates

There are plenty of Premiere Pro lower thirds templates out there. You can find lower thirds in Premiere too, in the Essential Graphics Panel. Open the Essential Graphics panel, click “Browse”, and search away.

Take advantage of templates and save tons of time. Even if you can’t find free lower thirds templates, the paid downloads are usually pretty affordable.

Adobe Premiere Intro Templates Free

Premiere lower third templates come as different file types. Remember that lower third PSD files are Adobe-specific. Lower thirds in PNG or other non-vector formats will not have animation built in and might lose quality when scaling.

After you find and download your lower thirds in Premiere, simply import them into the project file. Customize as you need and you’re done.

Once you get your lower thirds into Premiere, just drag, drop and customize.

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As goes with all creative choices in video, let your project dictate your visual elements. Your choice of lower thirds should evoke your project’s look and feel.
And when in doubt, simpler is better. Some of the most striking lower third graphic examples are bare, but emphasize the important visuals.
After you create lower thirds in Premiere that you love, remember to save them as Motion Graphics Templates. Reuse your Premiere lower third templates to save some serious time.

Adobe Premiere Pro Templates

Now it’s time to get those title graphics underway. Check out our free lower thirds template to get cruising. And, as always, let us know if there are any more examples to add to our list!

Project management for video creatives. Tasks, file sharing, calendars and more.

Adobe Premiere Intro Templates Free Download

Manage video production timelines, tasks, storyboards, shot lists, breakdowns, call sheets. Made for video creatives, new media and film.